European Companies Search Engine
We support investigative journalism
Researching company information on North Data is an important source of information for investigative journalism. The network representations on our website enable connections and contexts to be discovered - not just on a national level, but also across borders.
Many journalists have been accredited for our free Premium Service Investigative Accounts, which enables powerful searches and detailed insight into the financial situation of European companies. Also the notification service ("Watch List") is important for journalistic work.
We actively support independent and investigative journalism because we believe it is an essential pillar of a modern democratic society. This page gives an insight into our efforts and showcases selected research.
Investigative Accounts
If you are a journalist and are interested in using our services, please send us a request to with a description of your work and we will offer you a free account. We would be very happy to receive a mention and/or link. We reserve the right to refuse the request or to terminate the account without giving a prior notice or reason.
Researching with North Data
In the film "Bis in den Tod - Illegale Autorennen in Berlin" by the award-winning journalists Adrian Bartocha and Jan Wiese from rbb 24 Recherche, the North Data website was used to not only find the managing director of the company responsible for renting cars for illegal car races in Berlin, but to also reveal that the person in question was a Polish stooge, who had seven other companies in Germany under his management.
With North Data providing information of both German and Polish companies, the network chart could clearly show the relationship between the Polish strawman and the seven companies in Germany, giving valuable insight to the journalists in their investigation.
In an in-depth investigation led by Forbes Magazine, Perfil and the Buenos Aires Times, a group of reporters helped lift the curtain that shields the impenetrable world of secondary markets for Covid-19 immunization aids. It revealed that companies will gladly sell vaccines to developing countries for abusive prices. One of those companies is RuL AG, a German energy firm based out of Leipzig. It is one of the few businesses that got validated by the Sputnik V manufacturers to act and sell the vaccine on their behalf. RuL AG’s contract with the Argentinian government out of San Juan had them promise one Million doses of the Sputnik V vaccine, divided evenly between first and second doses, for the steep price of 18 Million US Dollars, which they now failed to deliver.
Research at North Data revealed valuable insight into RuL AG and its Chief Experience Officer and only visible face Stephan Guth. Though it is still not entirely clear why the company is in the vaccination distribution business, as it mainly acts as an oil, gas and electricity trader in the greater european area.
Want to present your own research here? Send us an inquiry at
We also support selected organizations that are dedicated to the promotion of investigative journalism or operating it themselves, through partnerships or collaborations.
netzwerk recherche e.V. is a registered non-profit association. It was founded in 2001 by journalists to support and strenghten journalistic research and quality journalism in Germany.
North Data is a member of the funding board of trustees.
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists is a US-based project of the Center for Public Integrity (CPI). The tasks of the ICIJ include exposing abuse of power, corruption and breach of duty by powerful public and private institutions.
North Data is ICIJ Insider.
As part of the so-called CorrelAidX Challenge, CorrelAid's local chapters are taking a closer look at offshore papers on a region-specific basis. Each group is support by a local reporter from the CORRECTIV.Lokal Network. As part of this project, the North Data API will be used to extend and enrich the findings from the ICIJ database.
We support the Süddeutsche Zeitung („Panama Papers“) with Data Packages for analytic purposes. It is one of the largest daily newspapers in Germany.
Are you interested in a cooperation with us? Send us an email at